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A close look at the
Ron Paul Home School Plan

Many parents recoil upon witnessing the realities of today’s public-school system. But when they start investigating alternatives, usually in the form of private schools, they quickly realize that such alternatives are largely off limits to middle class families, with many schools costing in the tens of thousands of dollars per student per year. In most cases, these families would still be forced to pay the same amount in taxes even if they have found the services offered by the public-school system dismally inadequate.

But for the self-motivated student, there is an alternative that is dramatically more cost effective. The Ron Paul Curriculum is a home-schooling program that costs just $250,000 per year and $50 per course. Compare this to the typical private school, which will run you $10,000 to $15,000 or higher per year for each student that is enrolled.

With the Ron Paul Curriculum, a typical student will cover five courses per year, leading to a total cost of just $500 per year. But even deeper savings accrue to families who have multiple children. These only need to pay the $250 yearly membership fee once.

Additionally, the Ron Paul Curriculum is designed specifically to allow students that complete it to test directly into their junior year of college. This is accomplished when students who have completed the Ron Paul Curriculum take a series of CLEP tests. Students who have successfully mastered the complete Ron Paul Curriculum will be able to easily pass the CLEP tests up to the junior year. But particularly motivated and talented students may be capable of directly testing into a college degree.

The Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum Is Education With A Purpose

A great deal of what passes for modern-day education in America’s public schools amounts to little more than thinly veiled propaganda. Most of this is delivered by way of rote learning, encouraging students to cram days before exams, only to forget most of the material by weekend. State standardized testing and a widespread move away from critical thinking and towards mindless repetition of progressive dogma terribly hobbles students, filling students’ critical formative years with inefficient exercises that impart often-nonsensical lessons.

The Ron Paul Curriculum discards all of that, distilling the educational process down to its purest and most useful elements. This is where the real value of the program is on display. The Ron Paul Curriculum has been carefully designed by some of the country’s leading thinkers, including Thomas Woods, Timothy Terrell, Gary North and, of course, Ron Paul. Most of the Ron Paul Curriculum instructors have doctorate degrees in the fields that their courses cover.

And this all-star ensemble of course instructors has led to a nearly perfect exemplar of what homeschooling can be. The Ron Paul Curriculum does away with all extraneous ideological interjections, focusing strictly on core subjects. Social sciences are not covered at all until the high-school level. And even then, they are approached from a highly rigorous, scientific perspective that is rooted heavily in statistics and the scientific method.

In short, the Ron Paul Curriculum tosses all the dead weight that is normally associated with a public-school education, leaving the pure foundational concepts that genuinely help to edify students while also preparing them to score their way into years of college credits through eventually taking and excelling at the CLEP exams.

For those that may not know, Ron Paul is a longtime Congressman from Texas and former Presidential candidate that has retired from politics, he continues to spread his libertarian message through education with the recent launch of the Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum.

While Ron Paul’s ideals do not appeal to everyone, it’s hard to argue with his adherence to fiscal responsibility. Every mother with a household budget can relate to his spending philosophy — you can’t buy something unless you have the money for it. With student loan debt skyrocketing, a college degree is unattainable for many and, given the state of the economy, it’s difficult to justify astronomical student loans. This curriculum is centered around five main principles — liberty, responsibility, standards, self-discipline and success. For many, success means a college degree, and this curriculum encourages students to achieve that goal with minimal expense while fostering entrepreneurship.